Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sun Up!

This title could read in a couple applicable ways: the sun has finally made it to Seattle and summer spirits are up OR as the sun is coming up earlier, why must my girl also get up earlier too? It's 8 am on Saturday morning and I've already been up for over 2 hours. Wish I could say I've gotten a lot done in that time.

But, anyhow, lets focus on the first: we are so excited to see the sun. Last weekend Ari had a cold and so I kept her close to home and didn't get to enjoy the sun as much. This weekend I'm ready to break out and get some rays! Steve and I are looking forward to a week in Lake Chelan in July so we purchased a floaty device and small blow up pool for Ari. She is also ready to wear the ladybug wet suit we got her:

Last weekend we stayed at my parents house and they had a quarterly family birthday party. So much fun to see all the relatives and Ari got to hang out with her cousins:
Ari spent about 15 minutes with this expression on her face as she watched Zach playing in her exersaucer. I think she was taking notes.

We took advantage of a photo op with all the babies. Someone suggested we get a photo of the babies sitting and I said, "Ari can't sit up yet" because she usually slumps forward. Well, she proved me wrong. The minute I sat her next to her cousins it was like she looked at them and thought, "Oh! That's what I'm supposed to be doing" and she straightened her back and sat right up! Stabilization is still a must, but I was quite impressed with my little bean.

A moment of love with Jamie before an attempted binky heist:

Ari and Granddad hanging out:
This one is in serious need of a good caption:
We tried out the swing at the park and she LOVES it:

And last, but not least, Ari's 5 month photo. We just went to the doctor the other day and she is 1/2 ounce from 17 lbs!
Okay, now I'm seriously going to get out and enjoy the sun! Ciao!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Food on!

Long time no post. This last month has been a busy one and it flew by quickly. Ari went to her 4 month appointment and is still growing like a weed. She weighed in at 15lbs 6oz just shy of double her birth weight which means we got the go ahead to start her on solids. It's been touch and go and she hasn't really eaten enough to be considered much of a meal. But we've had fun in the process.

Here are some photos and videos of the last month:

Here is what happens when she plays with daddy:

Her 4 month shot:

Ari and Bennie Joe doing dueling tricks. No dogs were harmed in this video (except maybe dog egos).

More Ari and Bennie Joe antics. Beware! This video is PG13.

Visiting her great grandparents on Mother's Day:
Chilling on her way to Nanna and Grandpas for an overnight: