Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is in the air!

Ari has made it to her first new season!!!! Today was the first day that it actually felt like spring was in the air. Ari pondered over the bright ball of fire in the sky and we provided a little eye protection. :)

The latest "first" for Ari was her first sporting event. My parents have season tickets to the Sounders and we bundled Ari up in the leapord print snow suit with ears that Ruby lent us and headed to Qwest Field. She, of course, got lots of compliments on her cuteness, although we question the sobriety of the one lady on the elevator who thought we had a puppy. Ummm....what?

Ari now has full control of her head which means we love facing her forward in the carrier so she can see the sights. She is also playing in her exercaucer (aka "neglectasaucer" as our friend Lupine likes to call it).

Big 3 month old:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ari and Ruby

Ari has spent the last couple of Fridays "playing" with her friend Ruby while I work. "Playing" mainly consists of Ari being a life size doll for Ruby that she can cover with blankets to go "night night" and put the chupa choo (aka binky) in Ari's mouth. I can tell that Ari is going to get right in there and play with Ruby when she is able because she does take notice her every once in a while and I think she is taking notes. Of course, Lupine and I are very much looking forward to the day when Ruby no longer has to pretend to take care of Ari and actually can watch her. We are quite a few years off from that though.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What a Difference a Month Makes!

Ari is now 2 months old. We definitely have noticed her getting bigger, but it was most evident when we put her month 1 photo next to the month 2 photo. She went in for her 2 month appointment and her stats were:
Height: 23.5 inches (90th percentile) - she's grown exactly 3 inches since she was born!
Weight: 12.2 ounces (80th percentile) - she gain 4-1/2 pounds since birth.

Ari has a new obsession which is her hands. She likes to eat them and is also learning that she can bat at things with them. She is also getting a lot better at tummy time and has even rolled from front to back 3 times which impressed the doctor a lot.

In parental news: Ari had her first overnight at Nana and Grandpa's and we got to go out to celebrate 2 of our friends birthdays. I'm glad we did this early as it was quite easy and made me realize how important it is for Steve and I to have Our Time.

I'm also starting work 1/2 time next week and we just won't talk about that.

Here are some photo/video highlights of the last couple weeks:

Ari leaving for an overnight with Nana:
Tummy time cuteness:

My dad's side of the family had 4 new additions in the family within 4 months of each other. We finally got together last night and were able to see all the kidlums together including Kate who is 19 months old. Ari was not having a good time of it. They are in order of birth left to right.
Zach: 9/4
Jamie: 9/26
Lucas: 10/8
Ari: 12/26

Grandpa throwing a hissy fit:

Thank you John, Carole, Margot and Chloe for the lovely puppet! I tried it out on Ari for the first time the other day and here was her reaction: