Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I've been hanging on to a photo album with baby pictures of Steve which I borrowed from his mom right after Ari was born. It's taken me awhile to get around to scanning the photos, but the timing was perfect as I realized that Ari is now just past the age Steve was when the photos were taken. I've always known that Ari looked a lot like her daddy, but when I really started to look at the pictures I realized that not only do they look A LOT alike, but they also have so many of the same expressions. My favorite Ari expression is the "WTF" (what the F@#^*?) eyebrows raised expression, as evidenced in photo this first photo.

No genetic testing necessary. And if you want to know what she inherited from me: it's my small ears (see last photo). We are still hoping she doesn't have my teeth. Seeing as how she just got her two front teeth, things are looking good since I had three come in when I was a baby. :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Midnight Snacks

Dear Mommy,
This crawling thing is really great! If I want to pull all my clothes out of my dresser, I just crawl over there and do it! If you walk into the other room and I want you, I just follow you. Now I can take all the videos out from the TV stand and bang them around (thanks for cleaning up after me). I really have so much to do these days that I can’t be bothered by eating during the day. So, it was nice of you to feed me at 10:00 last night. And at 1:00 this morning you really made me mad when you decided you needed to go to the bathroom while daddy changed me, but you came through and fed me (I didn’t know for sure you were coming back). I appreciate you just letting me sleep in your bed cuz I was really hungry again at 3:00. I don’t remember much about eating at 5:00 but I guess you figured I wanted something because I was grabbing your lip and kicking your stomach. And at 6:30 I don’t know why you were in such a rush to leave, but thanks for sticking around to feed me until I fell back asleep. Last night worked really well for me! Maybe we should do it again tonight. Sorry I missed you leaving for work this morning. I was pretty konked out.


Dear Ari,
I’m so proud of you for crawling. You are such an independent girl now. Before I know it you are going to be backpacking around Europe by yourself! Regarding last night: I love you and would do anything for you, but maybe you should eat when you daddy makes you a bottle during the day. He works really hard to make it just right. You’re a good girl and I know you can do it. Maybe then we can both get a good night sleep and can play together in the morning before I go to work.
