Sunday, March 1, 2009

What a Difference a Month Makes!

Ari is now 2 months old. We definitely have noticed her getting bigger, but it was most evident when we put her month 1 photo next to the month 2 photo. She went in for her 2 month appointment and her stats were:
Height: 23.5 inches (90th percentile) - she's grown exactly 3 inches since she was born!
Weight: 12.2 ounces (80th percentile) - she gain 4-1/2 pounds since birth.

Ari has a new obsession which is her hands. She likes to eat them and is also learning that she can bat at things with them. She is also getting a lot better at tummy time and has even rolled from front to back 3 times which impressed the doctor a lot.

In parental news: Ari had her first overnight at Nana and Grandpa's and we got to go out to celebrate 2 of our friends birthdays. I'm glad we did this early as it was quite easy and made me realize how important it is for Steve and I to have Our Time.

I'm also starting work 1/2 time next week and we just won't talk about that.

Here are some photo/video highlights of the last couple weeks:

Ari leaving for an overnight with Nana:
Tummy time cuteness:

My dad's side of the family had 4 new additions in the family within 4 months of each other. We finally got together last night and were able to see all the kidlums together including Kate who is 19 months old. Ari was not having a good time of it. They are in order of birth left to right.
Zach: 9/4
Jamie: 9/26
Lucas: 10/8
Ari: 12/26

Grandpa throwing a hissy fit:

Thank you John, Carole, Margot and Chloe for the lovely puppet! I tried it out on Ari for the first time the other day and here was her reaction:

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