Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bye George! HellObama!

Ari celebrated her first major historical event by hanging out with mom and dad in front of the television most of the day and sporting her Baby Got Barack shirt that Auntie Lupine bought for her.

Ari will be one month old tomorrow. This week she has taken a big leap in her development. Not only does she look physically bigger, she has also "woken up" and is more aware of the world around her. This happened literally overnight. She woke up and was all of a sudden very content to sit in her bouncy seat for an hour analyzing the mobile hanging above it. She has now grown out her newborn clothes and outfits that were too big last week are almost too small this week.

Ari is quite the socialite. We have done lots of visiting since she has been born. Here are some photos of her with people we have hung out with:

Nana and Ari at a coffee shop:

Auntie Mary-lyn and Ari at the same coffee shop.


And (my favorite) Ari and her cousin Lucas on their first play date together:

I'll end on that note :)

1 comment:

  1. They look like they are really enjoying that playdate. Ha!
